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[E] Le_Daedalus
[E] Le_Daedalus
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over 11 years ago
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over 2 years ago
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Both Lugia and Ho-Oh have great designs, but I have to go with Lugia on this one. It holds a special place in my heart, especially XD001, and albeit a shadow Ho-Oh did appear in a rom of AlphaSapphire, it isn't an official design.
over 7 years ago
RubberChicken for Best builder Forcellrus for Most Dedicated PassmesomeBacon for Most Helpful Kosa for Koolest WeatherManScot for Coolest Skin And Zio can have the rest
over 8 years ago
1,200 Mt, a stack of iron and I can assist you in making a temple into a guardian farm.
over 8 years ago
IGN: Le_Daedalus Description of the bug: Snowmen (Snow Golems) not leaving snow layer trail, regardless of elevation. Where you were at the time this occurred: In the North Eastern fields, but tested in various places What time was it when this occurred: Between 12 and 2AM 5/6/16
over 8 years ago